About The Event
Under the patronage of Professor Ronald Younes - President of the Lebanese Dental Association
For more info :
Dr Aya Al Ghali: 71 44 61 62
Dr Yara Chidiac: 76 95 28 29
- Free Registration -
Sunday April 21, 2024
8:30 AM - 05:00 PM
In conjunction with the scientific day, BAU's renowned Professor, Dr. Jamal Hneini, with BAU Team will be conducting a workshop on the "Injection Molding Technique with Flowable Resin Composite."Seats are limited!
For more information kindly contact Mrs Hala Sandid at 03119898.
Event Speakers
Pr. Georges Tawil
Dr. Maroun Ghaleb
Aesthetic and Prosthetic Dentistry
A. Pr. Yasser Mohamed Aly
Fixed Prosthodontics
Dr. Wael Bizri
Dr. Raneem Saudi
Operative and Esthetic Dentistry
Mr. Fadi Balhawan
Dr. Faouzi Naous
Oral and Dental Surgery
Pr. Edmond Koyess
Pr. Nouhad Rizk
Fixed Prosthodontics
Dr. Ali Al Housseini
Fixed Prosthodontics
Event Schedule
Opening Ceremony
Georges Tawil Periodontology
Implants in fresh extraction molar sites: keys to success
Maroun Ghaleb Aesthetic and Prosthetic Dentistry
Mastering the Smile: Latest Techniques in Composites Veneers
Yasser Mohamed Aly Fixed Prosthodontics
Indirect ceramic restoration (Past & Present)
Coffee Break
Wael Bizri Toothpick
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Ai Innovations and Disruptive Financial Solutions
Raneem Saudi Operative and Esthetic Dentistry
Update in Teeth Whitening Procedure
Fadi Balhawan Artist
Exploring the art Calligraphy after years in sales
Lunch Break
Faouzi Naous Oral and Dental Surgery
Selection Criteria for Immediate Implant Placement
Edmond Koyess Endodontics
Bioceramic in Endodontics: a break through or another adventure
Nouhad Rizk Fixed Prosthodontics
Occlusion over implant supported restaurations: Considerations, applications and concept
Ali Al Housseini Fixed Prosthodontics
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